
The next Beginning

Let me just start by dusting this page off a little...alright. time to start this puppy up again!

To say the past year and a half has been anything but exciting would be an understatement. You reach that age where you can finally call yourself an adult but in what sense does that make you? I ask because in retrospect, as well as turning twenty-eight and now twenty-nine, I feel I have gown up quite a bit; never have I felt more like an adult now nor do I feel I will ever stop growing.

In the year I began working at my last job, Terra breads I have achieved quite a few goals in my life as well as met some amazing faces. The reality had finally kicked in where going to work for me was actually exciting as the time, effort and sleepless nights between work and class to achieve this has actually paid off! Thing is I never grew up telling myself I want to be rich, live in a fancy home and drive around the city in a Ferrari- well, more so the latter but that's a fantasy I can live with. I really just wanted to be happy in my carrier choice.

I now have this. And more.

I get it. The doors which are open to your best choices and the ones which close forever because of your actions but would have probably lead you into a lesser life choice. My whole life growing up so far has been a roller coaster to say the least and the doors I have walked through have been the most painful but at the same time transforming. Bear with my analogy but I can almost relate my life to a game of Snakes and Ladders.
I find myself moving higher in the board landing on goals or just winging my life. I'm in full control of the die and with each roll or step I move myself higher. I make the right step or roll the right number I move up. I choose the right door and I get to use the ladder, the wrong door and I fall behind only to dust myself off and roll again. The board is mine and the end goal, salvation, may never be achieved but it is what I do and discover on the way that makes the game so exciting!

Until I roll three sixes in a row, Then I'm fucked.

All my friends can attest to my perfectionism in what I want from myself and who deserves me. I find myself struggling to this day to just put the pencil down and say, "It's good enough, hell it's awesome!" or the spoon, "It just tastes like shit because you've been tasting it a million times over now!" You really are your worst critic. But you learn to be humble in your work and as time passes you realize it's not about you so much as it is about the other person. the satisfaction of a customers smile when they try your pastry or the smile on your family members faces when they see your drawings.

As for my choices in a partner, I know what I want and I am more than confident now then ever before; I have opened the right doors to find her behind that one special door with a lock only I have always had the key for. We met working at Terra Breads and instantly from both sides we fell in love.
This woman who I adore very much and who has stolen my heart is not just my best friend but my soul mate. I can go on about how fascinating this all is to me, the choices and how each of us led us to each other, but I will say I now do believe in these feelings.

So we are off!

In less than two months, we are going to live and work in France and Italy. We are determined to learn the most and do the most for the time we are there. Where best to learn and increase our skill set more so than the two food capitols of the world! We are excited and scared but we are too smart to do so poorly.
So from this point on Life Workshop will be our adventures together spent in Europe!

À bientôt!